Crookwell Gazette

Be blown away by tumultuous seas, lighthouses and some stunning scenery

The Nut at Stanley. Picture Shutterstock
The Nut at Stanley. Picture Shutterstock

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Enjoy a little island hopping on a private, chartered plane as part of this exclusive tour of Flinders Island, Tasmania and King Island.

Arriving first on Flinders Island, the Furneaux Islands museum sets the scene covering the entire history of the islands.

The Wybalenna Historic Site provides a sobering insight into the lives and deaths of Tasmanian Aboriginal people who were relocated here in the 1800s.

Flinders Island is renowned for its epic beauty. You will be awed by the Blue Rocks, a dramatic coastal formation of granite. At Sawyers Bay see the boulders in the sea with Mt Strzelecki in the background.

Trousers Point on Flinders Island, Tasmania
Trousers Point on Flinders Island, Tasmania

One of the great short walks of Tasmania awaits from Allports Bay to Castle Rock. Lunch in the capital, Whitemark, and be absorbed by the towns history.

Heading to Trousers Point, check out the granite boulders covered in bright red lichen.

In the north of the island explore North East River, the Killiecrankie area and fossick for diamonds that may be found on the beaches and creeks.

The magical Cradle Mountain is reached after a flight from Flinders Island to Launceston.

Explore Cradle Mountain National Park and marvel at its sheer beauty, myriad of wildlife and unique environment. Do the magnificent Dove Lake Walk and develop an appetite for dinner.

Cradle Mountain Tasmania. Picture Shutterstock
Cradle Mountain Tasmania. Picture Shutterstock

North west of Cradle Mountain is the town of Stanley a place synonymous with the history of the Van Diemen's Land Company. Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the region before taking in the coastline, islands and arguably the cleanest air in the world, from Cape Grim.

Back in Stanley there is a chairlift ride to the top of the Nut, an ancient volcanic plug, for 360 degree views of the town, sea and surrounding coast.

After a short flight the group arrives in King Island. Sample the islands famous cheese at the King Island Dairy and visit the Currie Lighthouse, built in 1880.

Behold the sight of Australia's greatest maritime disaster when the ship, the Cataraqui, struck a reef in 1845, killing 400 people.

With so many shipwreck sites, King Island is home to three lighthouses including Wickham Lighthouse which, at 48 metres, is the tallest in Australia. Visit this awe-inspiring structure before lunch at the adjacent golf course café.

 Currie Harbour Lighthouse on King Island. Picture Shutterstock
Currie Harbour Lighthouse on King Island. Picture Shutterstock

Next it is on to the spectacular but inaccurately named, Disappointment Bay. Enjoy Penny's Lagoon and Martha Lavinia Beach, one of the world's best surf breaks.

There is much to do on King Island including viewing a 7,000 year old calcified forest with its remaining branches and trees literally turned to stone.

No visit would be complete without a pie for lunch at the King Island Bakery, bursting with mouth-watering local produce.

There is a choice of two tours, November 20 to 30 2024 and February 18 to 28, 2025, so start making plans to join Travelrite and The Senior newspaper now.